toc Visualise data from your device Pybytes > Visualise signals

Visualise data from your device

In this section, we will explain how to create widgets for data visualisation and how to set up your device’s dashboard on Pybytes.

We’re assuming that you have already connected your device to Pybytes. In case you haven’t, check how to add your device here. After you’re done with that, you can proceed to the next example.

Step 1: Setup a Pymakr Project

  1. Create a project in Pymakr called Pybytes_signals, and add the following code to This python application will send data every 5 seconds to Pybytes.

    # Import what is necessary to create a thread
    import time
    import math
    # Send data continuously to Pybytes
    while True:
        for i in range(0,20):
            pybytes.send_signal(1, math.sin(i/10*math.pi))
            print('sent signal {}'.format(i))
  2. Press the Upload button to upload the code into your device. Once the code has run, you should be able to see the signal in the Signals tab of your device

Note that if you have a Pytrack or Pysense expansion board, you could also send sensor data instead!

Step 2: Add a widget for the signal

  1. Go to the device dashboard and click Add Widget

  1. Choose a data representation widget, for example Line chart

  1. Select the Pin and Chart type and click Add Widget

  1. A new widget has been added to your Dashboard

Click on the Edit button on your widget to change the settings


Now you’ve learned how to set up your device’s dashboard to display data. Also, you can add more widgets to your device’s other signals.


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